We were able to get through the college years with a good HVAC service plan

When I was living with roommates back in college, we all were able to get along pretty well. We all agreed on the same temperature control settings and we all took turns changing the air filter every single month. One issue was that the energy bills started going up a great deal. We asked the landlord to have an HVAC professional work on the system, but he said he was not responsible for the HVAC maintenance. We all thought this was ridiculous but it actually was in the rental agreement. So we called an HVAC company and a professional checked everything out. It turned out that the HVAC needed ductwork sealing. The ductwork was leaking in all sorts of places and this was bad news, especially for the energy costs. We told the landlord about this and said he was responsible as we were only renting the place. This was not some regular maintenance like changing air filters, this was a critical repair that needed attention right away before it became an unrepairable issue. The landlord finally relented when he realized he probably wouldn’t win his argument in court not to cover the HVAC repair on the ductwork system. Before we knew it, the HVAC professionals were out and they took care of the issue with the ductwork sealing procedure. After that, our energy bills were lower than ever, but we also enrolled in an HVAC service plan so we didn’t have to worry moving forward. For the few years that we all lived together, the bills for the HVAC maintenance were lower than ever and we never had any serious issues with the HVAC equipment.
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