Moving away from the neighborhood has been the change my life needed.
I was getting desperate for a while, feeling trapped in the large neighborhood with no means of escape.
I was in therapy, plus on a couple of odd mood stabilizers not counting the weed I smoked after toil every day. None of that seemed to help as much as it used to, plus I was growing depressed plus despondent. My therapist proposed a complete change of scenery, so I pulled up stakes plus moved out to farming country.. I was wondering how I would be able to make money, because how much demand would there be for an Heating plus A/C tech out in the countryside? Much to my surprise, there was a tremendous need for Heating plus A/C work, just not the kind I had grown accustomed to in the city. Most of the homes around here have heating systems that are older than I am, plus are still in amazing working condition. What is more in demand out on the farms is the heating systems they have inside barns plus pet enclosures, but during a cold, bitter Wintertide these barns need some form of heating to keep the pets safe plus healthy. As you might imagine, the furnace for a barn needs to be rugged, plus resistant to being stepped on or smashed. They also need to have a failsafe to turn them off, because if the furnace causes a fire you could lose the whole barn plus everything in it. It’s a challenge, but I am reading a lot about these furnaces.