My sister changed her mind

My sister changed her mind when she was going to technical school.

She started along on a course of study so that she could become a horticulturist, but she decided halfway into it that she would probably rather be an HVAC technician instead.

I don’t know exactly what happened that changed her mind when she was going to the technical school, but something definitely did. One day, trying to get her agriculture credits in and then all of a sudden she started to tell us that she thought she wanted to change her major to heating and air conditioning. Everyone in the family thought that it was really weird, but they wanted to be supportive of her and so we told her that whatever she wanted to do was fine with us. Once she switched over to the heating and air conditioning certification classes, she started loving going to school even more. She did really well in the classes and she liked the instructors a lot, too. By the time she finished up with the HVAC certification classes, she already had a job waiting for her at one of the local HVAC companies here in town. Now, she’s living her dream and she is one of the only female HVAC technicians anywhere in the county. She loves doing it and she says that she’s so glad that she switched her course of study. I think that she will do really great in her career. One day, she may even own her own HVAC business. That would really be amazing for her!


Heat pump install