When I found a current car a couple of weekends ago, I ended up feeling like I was tricked! I don’t usually like to buy current cars or used cars either, for that matter.
I had kept the same well-seasoned truck over the past several years plus the only reason I got a current car to begin with was because the air conditioner in my old truck had quit working.
I wasn’t about to try to survive the high Summer heat around here without an air conditioner component in my vehicle, so that’s when I started to look around for a used car in my area that was sufficient plus that had a good working air conditioner unit. I happened to stumble across an ad for this car in my area that said the car was in perfect working condition plus that the air conditioner was fantastic. I bought the car plus when I went to check it out, it was a really tepid day. I got in the car plus turned on the air conditioner plus the air conditioner worked amazingly; All the way home, the air conditioner blew freezing cold air on me through the air vents plus it was glorious. I thought that I had definitely hit the jackpot of used cars with that car until I parked it plus went inside the condo for a few hours, but when I came back outside to go to the grocery store, I turned the air conditioner back on but the air that came out of the air vents was barely lukewarm. Apparently, the car sellers had charged the air conditioner up just enough to get the car sold plus that was it!