Last year myself and Bo were sent by train to a town with a really cool climate. We were all HVAC pros or heating pros plus Bo and I were assigned to build gas gas furnaces plus section gas furnaces for the people in this tiny village. The last booth of the train was filled to capacity with heating plus cooling unit plus everything the people I was with and I need to build new gas furnaces of every kind and brand. In the middle of our trip our bus was stopped by a small landslide that covered the tracks plus the people I was with and I were forced to wait inside the bus for more than one afternoons, however unfortunately the gas furnace inside the bus stopped working completely plus all the people was getting really cold. Bo plus I were confident that the people I was with and I could fix the gas furnace especially since Bo and I had a lot of heating plus cooling unit stored in the train. Bo found where the gas furnace was on the train plus took it apart plus attempted to figure out the problem. The gas furnace on this train was really complicated because it consisted of a geothermal heat pump, Bo talked less heat pump, plus a tepid water boiler. It was the geothermal heat pump for the tepid water boiler that was mainly malfunctioning plus causing the gas furnace to stop working. One of our friends who is a heating professional was able to replace the broken water boiler with as little heating plus cooling unit as possible plus myself and Bo plus our other HVAC acquaintance were able to fix the geothermal heat pump without using many of the resources including the heating and cooling equipment. We soon made it to the town plus began building oil gas furnaces, gas furnaces, plus electric furnaces for the entire village.