When I finally made it back to the restaurant, I saw that he had installed a ductless mini split air conditioner unit
My uncle runs a small restaurant where he sells mostly BBQ to his customers. A few years ago, when he first opened the business, the building was a bit old and needed a lot of renovations to get it up and running. With the help of his friends and some of our family members, he was able to complete most of the renovations and had a successful opening. The only thing that he needed to do was to replace the old window air conditioner with a better A/C unit. The tiny window A/C was mounted into the wall above the cash register in the front of the restaurant. Needless to say, the window air conditioner wasn’t very efficient, and the unit wasn’t aesthetically pleasing in that location. He kept it for some time because he opened the restaurant in the Winter so there was no need to be concerned about an A/C unit. However, once the Summer drew closer and the weather began to get warmer, he needed to find an option for air conditioning. I wasn’t involved in the process, so I wasn’t sure what he decided to do. When I finally made it back to the restaurant, I saw that he had installed a ductless mini split air conditioner unit. This is one of the best options that he could have chosen because these units are easy to install, they are highly efficient, and they provide both heating and cooling. I am not sure who advised my uncle to get the mini split A/C unit, but it was a great decision that he made.