My bedroom has been giving me issues when it comes to air quality as of lately.
I can not get a decent night sleep because of breathing issues due to the bad air quality.
I did however find the perfect answer and solution to this. And it was pretty easy all together. I wish I would have thought of it sooner! And that is to get a portable air purification system for my bedroom. Getting a portable air purification system for my bedroom was very inexpensive which was good. I was able to get a decent one for 30 bucks and shipping! I got this deal online at a website that sells portable heating and air conditioning equipment and everything related. And portable air purification systems happen to fall into that category. Ever since I had the portable air purification system I have been sleeping much better. SInce it is the middle of a real bad heat wave on top of it all right now, I also bought a portable air conditioning system to go in my bedroom. It helps the portable air purification system work real well. The portable air purification system combined with the portable air conditioning system is the way to go to fix my air quality issues. It is only in the bedroom because the insulation isn’t that good and we have some real bad air quality going on in the local area. The living room and other parts of my home are ok and shielded good from the bad air quality in the air.