I just bought a brand new portable air conditioning system for my home office.
And I have to tell you that this brand new portable air conditioning system is really the best of the best! I had a portable air conditioning system about 5 years ago that broke on me because it was cheap. And that portable air conditioning system did not even cool the room very well. However, this portable air conditioning system that I bought really cools off the place real good. I have never in my life thought that a portable air conditioning system could cool a place like this. It almost has the same power as a central heating and air conditioning system’s cooling, but not quite. It may be the equal of having a real good window air conditioning system from back in the day. But this one is portable! I can take the portable air conditioning system anywhere I want and it will work just the same. I even have taken it a few times into my bedroom at night to save on energy use of my central heating and air conditioning system unit. It works real well for that too. I bought the portable air conditioning system because it was on sale. Otherwise I may not have bought it because the regular price of the portable air conditioning system can get a little pricey all together. But I am very happy with my purchase of this brand new, up to date and extremely powerful portable air conditioning system unit. It was a real good decision on my part to actually buy it!