Community comes together to help with HVAC

When I moved from the city, I think I was looking for community as much as I was looking for some space.

  • I was also looking for a much better HVAC.

Living in high rise apartment buildings all my life left a lot to be desired when it came to quality heating and air. When I came to this region, I got what I was looking for on both counts. These days, I’m actually a part of a small community who actually look out for one another. So when we found out that one of our own was doing without proper heating and cooling, we did something about it. And it was actually just so easy. There was no arm twisting or hand wringing about the whole thing, We all just saw a neighbor in need and we responded. This dear lady was alone and living on a very fixed income when several of us noticed that her heat pump wasn’t running. Even though it was in the mid to upper nineties during the day, the heat pump remained silent. That’s when we decided to raise some money and see if the local HVAC company could help us out. And help out they did. They got that lady a new heat pump and cost and even installed it for free. It didn’t take much when all of us were chipping in. That’s the sort of world that I had always hoped to live in. And this lady was so thrilled that we cared as much as we did. Not only does she have proper quality heating and air again, she also knows that we have her back.

temperature control