My dad told me Last yearthat he wants to put a HEPA filter in his Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system. I assume he has been doing a lot of reading lately on this Heating in addition to Air Conditioning blog that he found and he’s really become interested in updating the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning proposal at his house. I assume the air filters that he was using previously are just the cheap store brand air filters that aren’t really all that great. He said that he was used to buying that kind just because they were cheap and they were usually available whenever he needed them. I could understand that, however I wasn’t sure that our dad really needed to get HEPA filters for his Heating in addition to Air Conditioning proposal or not. I consistently thought that the indoor air conditions in our dad’s home was pretty good. I wasn’t sure that he needed to make a whole lot of changes in his house, but then again, I’m not a heating and cooling professional either. I believe that our dad is 1 of those boys who is absolutely influenced by what he reads online or things that he sees on the news. I decided to do our own research so that I could determine whether or not he needed to switch over to HEPA air filters or not. After I did a lot of reading on several weird Heating in addition to Air Conditioning blogs, I not only decided that our dad needed a HEPA air filter for his Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system, however I needed to beginning buying them for our Heating in addition to Air Conditioning proposal at home too! I assume our dad was right after all.