Our restaurant canceled all reservations when the HVAC system died.

Every year, my husband and I go back to the same restaurant for our anniversary, as we went to for our wedding reception.

Every year we reminisce about our wedding and how much fun we had, and how we haven’t regretted a single minute of our time together.

Even during the hard times, we always found our way back and knew we had done the right thing getting married. We had reservations for the restaurant last week. We were there about an hour early, but they were turning everyone away. They told us they had canceled all reservations because the HVAC system died. My husband must have seen the disappointment on my face. He took off his jacket and told the owner of the HVAC company to show him where the HVAC system was. He followed the owner back and was gone for almost an hour. When he finally returned, I could hear the HVAC system running, and it was already beginning to warm up. The owner was so happy to have a working HVAC system that he offered us anything we wanted off the menu for free. My husband told him he was happy just to see the smile on my face, but the owner of the restaurant insisted. We told him we wanted to have it to go, and we ordered enough food for us and the kids. My husband, the HVAC technician, made the owner of the restaurant happy, and we made our kids happy by bringing cheesecake home for everyone. It was one of the most enjoyable nights we had in years.


a/c repair