The cabin was so old; it didn’t have an Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system.

My sibling bought a cabin last week, & he had only seen it on the laptop… He thought the cabin was pretty from the outside, however no 1 told him when the picture had been taken, however all of us walked into the house, & it devastated him, but the cabin had been gutted & there was no running water, electricity, or Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system, however even the fireplace was in such disrepair that there was no way it was going to work.

He asked me what I thought, & I told him to walk away & cut his losses.

He told me his wifey was set on moving into this cabin & making it a home, but i wanted to take pictures & send them to her, however he would not let me. I just wanted to take a picture of the fireplace, however he said he would throw my PC in the trash, so I didn’t. I had taken pictures of the rest of the cabin as both of us were walking through, & I had already sent them to her. Half an minute later, she was texting my sibling & asked what they were going to do with the locale? He told her the fireplace was irreparable, & there was no water, electric, or Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system, and she said they had to cut their losses,losses & get rid of the house, even if it meant burning it down for the insurance. I laughed when I saw the look of relief on my sibling’s face. As much as he was sure my sister-in-law wanted the house, when she said get rid of it, I swore his smile was going to swallow his face.


a/c repair