The gas furnace sputtered, but I might not replace it

I don’t like cold weather, which is the whole reason I moved so far south… Down here the two of us only get a few frigid weeks per year.

When the temps drop below frigid it only stays that way for a couple of afternoons! Cold weather doesn’t agree with me, and raises hell with my breathing; Just before Christmas this area got hit with a cold snap, the coldest temps the two of us had felt in over a year.

I bundled up in some blankets, and then adjusted the temperature control from the A/C setting to the Heat setting, but nothing happened! I had not needed to use the heating system for over a year, and now that I was in serious need of it, it was broken! It turned out to be the busiest time of year for the local Heating and A/C companies, and it would take afternoons before I could get a maintenance pro to come to my house. Instead I drove down to the 24 minute big-box store and found a very nice, but very inlavish, space heater. Space furnaces plug directly into the wall, and while they are only strong enough to heat 1 room, it was a good quick-fix. With the space heater, my dining room was so toasty hot that I decided I might not need to maintenance my central heater. Since I only used the central heating system a few times a year, perhaps it was a smarter option to just use the space heating system when needed and not worry about paying for Heating and A/C repairs. What are your personal experiences with space heaters? Hit myself and others up in the comments.

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