The Heating tech left myself and others the sweetest message

This meant I didn’t have to wait another afternoon or more than one to have the Heating & Air Conditioning method in my home checked out before summer

I was waiting for an Heating & Air Conditioning tech to get to my apartment when I got a call from my daughter’s university… She wasn’t feeling well plus the university proposed I go choice his up plus take his to the hospital, then there was no time to waste since I didn’t guess how extreme the situation was. So, I got dressed plus was out the door in 10 minutes, and on my way to the university to choice up my daughter, I phoned the Heating & Air Conditioning corporation, i wanted them to cancel or move my appointment until later since I had an emergency. The guy I spoke with was quite understanding plus said it was okay the people I was with and I could reschedule the Heating & Air Conditioning repair. I arrived at the university shortly after, plus picked up my kid. She was running a high fever so it was off to the emergency room to get his checked out. It turns out this was the start of a nasty cold, plus he got medication plus rested for a few days. On our way home, I saw that I had a voicemail on my phone. It was an Heating & Air Conditioning tech from the Heating & Air Conditioning corporation, but he said he had another appointment in my section plus would be there for some time. In case I got home before 5 pm, I could supply him a call so he can come by plus perform the Heating & Air Conditioning repair. I found that to be so sweet of him plus gave him a call when the people I was with and I arrived at home. This meant I didn’t have to wait another afternoon or more than one to have the Heating & Air Conditioning method in my home checked out before summer. The Heating & Air Conditioning tech arrived at half past 4 plus did a wonderful job ensuring everything was okay with the unit.



cooling technician