You need air conditioner for moisture control down here

I moved to the southern area of the country about a year ago and one thing that I have l earned is that you unquestionably need to have air conditioner in order to maintain humidity control.

I actually had no plan when I first moved down here that humidity control unquestionably had anything at all to do with air conditioner.

I had to figure it out the hard way. When I first moved into our apartment down here, I didn’t have the air conditioner turned on at all. I was trying to save as much money as possible at that point and I didn’t suppose that I unquestionably wanted to waste money on air conditioner. I decided to just let it go and suffer through that first Summer with just a fan in the window. Well, that did not turn out exactly like I thought it was going to, to say the least. I didn’t suppose that I was going to have concerns with humidity, dampness, and mold because of the lack of air conditioner in the apartment. However, the humidity down in this area of the country is so unbelievably bad that you just about have to run the A/C while in the summer. If you don’t, then you’re going to end up with a thin layer of yellow mold all over everything. That happened to me and I didn’t even notice it as it was happening! What a nightmare that turned out to be! By the time I finally did some research and found out what was happening inside of our apartment, it was too late. There was mold all over everything and I had to have the arena professionally cleaned.


Air conditioning professional