I have had concerns with breathing on and off since I was a little kid.
My doctor eventually diagnosed me with asthma, however it took a couple years before he figured it out.
My mother and I would typically get bronchitis every Autumn season when the leaves would hit the ground and start to produce mold in the air. The spores would get into our lungs and wreak havoc on our immune systems. I was prescribed rescue inhalers to use as well as nasal sprays. I wasn’t absolutely sure at the time what worked better to relieve my symptoms, although I do know that whenever I got sick, I got absolutely sick. As time went on I l earned to avoid getting exposed to a lot of the same environmental triggers. Sometimes that meant wearing face masks when I mowed my grass. I also started using whole-house air purifiers at a particular point in time. As long as you can afford the price tag on 1 they’re a absolutely enjoyable investment. Taking contaminants out of the air that would otherwise end up in your lungs. I assume the whole-house air purifiers are worth every penny if you manage to get your hands on 1. The only thing I shall say is a downside is the price of the filters that you have to buy every 6 months to upgrade. They’re absolutely enjoyable because they’re HEPA filters, however they’re also not cheap when you buy them individually. Sometimes you can save on whole-house air purifier filters if you get them in bulk. It just depends on what kind you decide to get for your house.