The pet pooped right by the intake vent

I abruptly cleaned up the pile & put it outside

I swear that a single of the worst smells in the whole world is the smell of pet poop… When I smell pet poop, it almost makes myself and others want to vomit… I have a pet too, & I do not like the smell. I do what I can to make sure that our pet goes to the bathroom outside. I take the pet for a walk in the day before I go to work. I take the pet for a long walk in the afternoon when I get current home from work. I also take the pet for a short walk before I go to sleep, but the pet has lots of occasions to use the bathroom. There are still some times when he has an accident, but last night I was in the learn laboring on some paperwork. I started to smell the most bad & strange smell in the world. It was coming from the air vent. I put our nose up to the air vent & it smelled horrible. I thought there might be a fire. I started moving around the house to see if the smell was located anywhere else. It did not take long for myself and others to find a big, steaming pile of pet poop; My pet pooped right in front of the air intake vent. The air intake vent was pulling all of that smell through the house & into the rest of the rooms. I abruptly cleaned up the pile & put it outside. I took our pet for a walk. The smell of poo was still in the air when I returned, so I sprayed some Febreze on all of the surfaces of the house.


air conditioner tune-up