My friend works for her dad.
They do residential and commercial HVAC service.
While she isn’t part of the HVAC crew that goes to homes and buildings, she plays a crucial role in the business. We both went to business school which is where we met. This was a good place where the top business men and women came to give lectures. We got to meet some amazing people like Micthel Obama, Martha Steward, and even Bill Gates. I guess you might say we come from privilege, but we also worked hard to get where we are now. I managed to get funding for my company when I went to Shark Tank. I’d been thinking about this idea since high school, and really wanted to turn it into a business. We finally got the chance to apply to be on Shark Tank when in school and they actually liked my idea. Fast forward 5 years, and we are all living our dreams. My friend went to work for her dad’s HVAC company when we graduated. She began working as a secretary answering the phones and learning the day to day of the business. Now, she is a top level manager, and can tell you anything about the place. She’s been thinking about her future and that’s when her dad said the business was for her if she wanted to stay on. My friend is not sure she had what it takes to run a HVAC company, but I reminded us what we were taught in school. Never ever sell yourself short. I know she loves the HVAC company and will one day make a fantastic boss.