I don’t mind the fact that winter is now respectfully over; I’m honestly going to miss the near perfect afternoon time temperatures afternoon after afternoon, but and I’m going to miss the fact that my heat pump has been able to slumber since November.
I have essential zero heating costs in the winter thanks to living in the subtropical region we’re in! So I’m going to miss the winter a bit perhaps however I’m okay with that.
I absolutely easily like the heat here! This comes as such a shock to all the people I relay that fact to. The national pastime around this area is complaining about the heat and humidity. So I am absolutely quite the outlier when it comes to somebody who doesn’t mind the heat so much. Some of this may be due to the fact that I grew up in this region and I am just sort of accustomed to this temperature, but during the Springtime, I don’t reach right for the air conditioning because I like to actemperature to the heat as the temperatures rise. As the temperatures rise, so do the humidity levels. That’s the thing down here that easily does knocks people out. The combination of high heat and high humidity is just overwhelming for all the people. I agree that there are times when the humidity feels like I can cut the air with a knife. That’s not something I find all that appealing. Thanks to the heat pump, I don’t have to worry about the humidity levels inside my house. Have you ever observed how crisp it is when you walk inside a apartment that has central air conditioning? That’s because the heat pump balances the humidity level inside a apartment as part of the air conditioning process.