I’ve decided to move where air conditioning is not needed

I’ve made the decision to relocate where I won’t need to use the air conditioning any longer.

I’ve just grown incredibly weary of paying summer cooling bills over the years.

Although many people want to relocate to an area where it is always hot, I am the complete opposite having been born and raised in this hot region of the country. I’m sick and tired of the heat and humidity bothering me constantly. When there is constant moisture in the air, I find it unpleasant. It seems like I have to run the central air conditioning in my home almost constantly if I want to keep the house from feeling like an indoor rainforest because the humidity is bad for mold and mildew. Although it may seem like I’m just moaning excessively, I simply can’t stand it any longer. I just want to move somewhere else where the weather begins to cool off in the fall and where I won’t have to deal with heat and humidity for extended periods of time. If I move somewhere with a much cooler climate, I know I’ll have to really adjust to the cold weather, but I’m okay with doing that. I suppose I just need a change. The other day, I was adding up how much money I had spent on air conditioning over the previous few years, and it was just depressing. For the money I have spent on cooling the house where I currently reside, I really could have bought one, or at least made a down payment on one.

a/c repairman