Larry, our local HVAC technician, was offering an HVAC tune up special for only $67 last month and so of course, I had to take advantage of it.
That was a really great price, that’s for sure.
I don’t think that we have ever paid so little for an HVAC tune up before. Larry is always giving up good advice and good deals, though. That’s one of the reasons that we like him. He’s always very helpful, but he also likes to try and help us by saving us money a lot of the time, too. Larry has four kids of his own and even though they are older than mine are, Larry remembers that fact and he knows how expensive it is to raise kids these days! It’s nice to have an HVAC technician who is so involved and invested in our family. Once in a while, we even have Larry stay over for dinner. It’s never really weird or anything, either. We have been using him as our HVAC technician for so long that it’s almost like he’s part of the family or something. We even give him a gift at Christmas, too. I know that we are lucky to be living here in this part of the country where it’s easy to get a great HVAC technician and really good heating and cooling and indoor air quality. Larry is one of the best things that ever happened to the indoor air quality in our house! I will be really sad when he decides to retire in a few years.