My dogs sleep next to the baseboard furnace vents

My dogs are some of the laziest creatures I have ever seen, and they would supply a sloth a running for its money being one of the laziest creatures on earth.

They never want to go outside plus run around plus play, they would just rather stay in the dwelling plus sleep all morning, then it’s a great thing I do not have any teenagers that want to play with the dogs.

The children will be sorely disappointed trying to play fetch with one of my dogs, trying to throw the ball, hoping for the dog to run, plus seeing in disappointment as the dog stays frozen. That’s just the reality of both of my pets! But they are great regardless, as they are both entirely great natured about going on trips in the car compared to other dogs I had in the past. The things that my dogs like the most are the baseboard furnace vents for the central heater. They care about to find the closest baseboard furnace event plus sit down in front of it whenever we have the boiler running throughout the year; Since we live in a fairly chilly environment, with the boiler on for at least 6 to 7 months out of the year. Some weeks will turn it off if temperatures get up into the 50s or 60s, but more often than not we have it in Autumn, winter, plus early Spring. The only thing that annoys me about this is that sporadically my dogs block the heat coming out of the vent plus it affects the temperature in the room.


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