The activity center at church never has cool enough temperatures

I don’t even like playing the games that I plan out for them because it’s just too hot in there to run around or play ball or anything

The activity center at our church never has cool enough temperatures in it, if you ask me. Every single time that I do anything in there I end up sweaty and miserable. I don’t know if it’s just me, or if it really is that hot in the building but I hate it. I am one of the only people in the church who hosts big parties and events for the kids and teenagers, and usually I try to do it all in the activity center. After all, that’s what the activity center was put in there for in the first place. However, recently, I have just about decided that I am going to stop planning anything if they don’t get the heating and cooling system fixed in the building! I have had a lot of trouble with the temperature in there the past few times that I have done anything. It’s no fun to try and deal with kids and teenagers if you are sweaty and uncomfortable. I don’t even like playing the games that I plan out for them because it’s just too hot in there to run around or play ball or anything. It’s just an issue that needs to be fixed, if you ask me. I mean, we have a perfectly good commercial HVAC company that is supposed to handle things like this for the church, so I’m not really sure why they aren’t fixing it. If someone doesn’t handle it soon, I think that I am going to go ahead and file a complaint with the HVAC company myself.

