The space heater helps take away the chill

I needed something that was for indoors & not outdoors & I wanted something that had a safety feature for tipping over

My dining room in the loft is all the way at the East corner. It is the farthest part away from the furnace & it takes forever for the dining room to heat up when the loft is cold. I’ve been living in the loft for the past 4 months but this is the first time that I have experienced a lot of cold. It made me wonder where the drafty spots were coming from. I got a special camera that shows cold spots & I did my best to put some weather stripping & caulk in those areas. There are still drafty spots in the dining room. I decided to go to the store to find a space heater. I knew that the Supercenter across the street would have at least 10 different types of space heaters. There is also a hardware store two blocks away & I knew they would have several different makes & models as well. The hardware store would legitimately be more expensive than the supercenter, so I was hoping that I would find some things there. The Supercenter had lots of different space furnaces to choose from. Some were around $10 & others were $100. I had to look at each one of the boxes closely so I made sure to get what I needed. I needed something that was for indoors & not outdoors & I wanted something that had a safety feature for tipping over. I have pets in the loft & I legitimately don’t want a fire if the space heater accidentally gets tipped over. That was easily pressing to me when I made my selection.

heater maintenance