How often should you update your air filters? As a heating plus a/c worker this is a question I get fairly frequently.
Well I would say there is a real general amount of time that you should change your air filters, I would say that it depends on the situation as well.
I would say that for everyone you should change your air filters out every 3 months, but some people are going to need to change your air filters out way more often than that. I personally know a couple people that change their air filters out every single month. Depending on how disinfect your home is plus how good the air filter is will determine how often you need to change your air filters, then for example if you’re just using disposable air filters plus your home gets dirty often that I would change your disposable air filters as often as possible. Probably once a month, but if you’re using a much higher quality air filter that does a better job at catching all kinds of dirt plus contagions that are in the air, such as a HEPA filter or UV light filter. Then you can go multiple months without having to change those out, especially if your home is relatively clean. With a UV light filter you should check the bulb frequently to make sure it has not burned out. Replacing your air filter is more than just having good indoor air quality, it’s also good to keep your heating plus a/c in good shape. If your indoor air quality is not good, it can also affect your health as well. There are numerous reasons plus benefits to have a good air filter in your home.