Today is an odd morning for a Friday because it is Labor Day over here in Spain however it is May first, which is four months off from the Labor Day I am used to in the States. I normally don’t have the urge to hit the beach at this time of the morning, however with it being a holiday plus all of my friends on the beach, it makes it a bit tougher to stay in an apartment plus do my labor plus chores. But I will stick to my routine plus not go to the beach till later this afternoon. Air conditioning in my office is a much better idea with the temps being so high outside like they are right now. I guess the nicest part of the morning is from about 6pm to 9pm when it cools down a bit plus the sky starts to fill up with yellow colors. The natural weather conditions controlled from the wind at that time of the morning makes it so nice to be on the beach in front of the giant sea. I may also watch a nice sea film later when I get home, or if I decide to, I may have my acquaintance come over plus make us a nice pasta supper with homemade sauce. I can run the main air conditioner unit to simply keep us cool while my associate and I watch my gas fireplace make sparks dance around the fake logs in it. My flatmate is leaving plus this is the perfect opportunity to host a supper without bothering anyone. It should be a nice night.