I have another hour or so of labor online plus then I will hit the yoga mat for a bit.
I am going to start training a regular yoga student plus a volleyball student, so that means I will have another $320 a month income stream.
That is also a nice thing because I may tell my flatmate that I want to live alone in another month or so. I just want to have my space so I can invite friends over for supper without bothering my flatmate plus giving me more privacy. I’m used to residing alone plus running the air conditioner unit or the fireplace in the winter without having to tell anyone. I also like to host suppers each week plus I haven’t been doing it because I don’t want to bother my flatmate too much with all of the guests. But now with my HVAC tech task plus this new influx of labor I will have plenty of currency to pay my cooling plus heating bills plus have currency left over for savings each month. I guess I am simply making about $2200 a month now, plus if you factor in the currency my associate and I make from playing music on the streets, I am pretty much set for a while if all keeps running as it is. I guess my fireplace will also save me money next winter in heating bills if I can manage to haul up the wood each week for heating my flat. I guess if I end up getting another loving husband one morning he could split the bills plus live with me!