If you site your ceiling fans in the respected areas for maximum effectiveness, you can literally turn up the temperature on your thermostat a few degrees on a warm afternoon and feel equally comfortable, as long as the fans are running.
You may have counted the more primitive technology of ceiling fans as no longer required in our high technology world of advanced central HVAC; However, feel it or not, a dwelling can still benefit from ceiling fans, but ceiling fans can compliment your HVAC system in a variety of ways, if you utilize them effectively. Here are some ways that ceiling fans improve the temperature and comfort of your home; The first thing to note is the most evident, and windchill isn’tjust a thing outside that affects the feel of the temperature, however it can also affect the feel of the temperature inside, and that has primarily what fans are for. If you site your ceiling fans in the respected areas for maximum effectiveness, you can literally turn up the temperature on your thermostat a few degrees on a warm afternoon and feel equally comfortable, as long as the fans are running. One interesting tidbit to note is that you should have your fans running counterclockwise, because that is what will push air downwards to you from the ceiling. Of course, the same principle can work with regular fans of all shapes and sizes, fans simply circulate air around the room and cause a wind chill effect that can make you feel more comfortable at higher temperatures, but so, it may be beneficial to not count fans out of the temperature control equation. It’s entirely better than opening a window, for a variety of reasons, however that has another article.