I decided to accept his offer for a couple of hours
20 years ago, I moved to the southern part of the country where there are terrible storms during the summer months. I endured my first hurricane that year and I also met my husband of two decades. I was staying in a rental house with a couple of friends. Everyone was gone for the weekend and I was at the apartment by myself when the storm occurred. The hurricane was supposed to be a mild category one, but it shifted during the day and hit the neighborhood with a head on blast. All of the power was out and it was scorching hot the day after the storm. I didn’t have any AC in the rental house. I sat outside most of the day. I was sitting on the porch fanning my face with a large sheet of paper. The neighbor from across the street came over to say hello. He asked me if the house had a generator. He even checked the attic storage area to be certain. The neighbor from across the street had a generator and cold AC in his home. He offered me a place to stay if I wanted to wait until the power came back on. I decided to accept his offer for a couple of hours. I didn’t plan to spend the evening, but we had a lot of things in common and we spent the entire first night talking about our lives and our childhood. We decided to get married a couple of weeks later and we had our first child before our first anniversary.