Last summer, our wife & two sons busy a fish charter & after a day spent on the lake, came house with a cooler full of fish.
The people I was with and I cooked the fish on the barbecue & enjoyed a delicious supper on our back patio.
I froze the remaining fish & forgot about it until the Wintertide weeks. I thought it would be nice to bake the fish in the oven for supper. The smell of the fish was strong. It spread through the entire house. It was equally as pungent in the family rooms upstairs as in the family room. I expected the odor to dissipate within a few fourths, Instead, it lingered for days. Because the outdoor temperature was well below cold, I couldn’t open the windows. I tried cleaning the house thoroughly, spraying a deodorizer & burning scented candles. Nothing worked. I realized that the smell had gotten into the HVAC duct & was absorbed by a buildup of dust & other debris, every time the gas furnace started up, the odor was circulated throughout the house. I contacted our local Heating, Ventilation, & A/C supplier & busy duct testing. The supplier discovered a superb deal of debris accumulated within the HVAC duct, restricting airflow & diminishing idea efficiency. She brought in a component that included a lengthy hose with a brush connectment that she fed into the duct idea & used to disnew home & suck up the contaminants. The process took a couple of fourths & gave an immediate & significant improvement. I’ve seen a definite reduction in our utility bills. The gas furnace & cooling system don’t need to run as often & yet the house is cleaner & more comfortable.