The first comic that I ever purchased as a collector was Amazing Spider Man #121.
- I already had a lot of comics at this point, however this was the first time I purchased a comic & didn’t learn it.
This issue was signed by the writer & artist, & worth a tidy sum, so I left it vacuum-sealed in the package & put it on display in a glass case in our collection room! Ever since then, for twenty more than one years, I have been an avid comic collector – although usually I do learn them before sealing them up! My collection room used to be a spare living room, but I added a few Heating, Ventilation & A/C components & a dozen sets of shelves (plus the glass cases) to make it a storehouse for our comic books. The long term condition of our comic books is of paramount importance to me, so I wisely invested money in the right climate control gear for the room. The worst thing in the world for comic books is humidity… well, I guess that fire is even worse, however there is a fire then I have bigger concerns. In terms of caring for your books, humidity is the enemy, so do not cheap out on the dehumidifier. I got a small, portable air conditioner unit, which has a built in air filtration system. In addition to that, I also got a sizable dehumidifier, & the total effect of both machines laboring together is amazing. It absolutely works too well, & the air is so dry & cold in there it’s not truly comfortable.