Author: Christina

Vinyl Lettering for Cars Can Help You Express Yourself

Have you noticed that vinyl lettering for cars is becoming all the rage? It honestly is, and i can hardly ever drive down the street without seeing vinyl lettering for cars on somebody’s back windshield. a lot of times the letters are in memoriam to someone who has passed, however also, the automotive customization shops […]

Vinyl Lettering for Cars Can Help You Express Yourself

Have you noticed that vinyl lettering for cars is becoming all the rage? It actually is, and i can hardly ever drive down the street without seeing vinyl lettering for cars on somebody’s back windshield. a lot of times the letters are in memoriam to someone who has passed! Also, the automotive customization shops are […]

Your air quality should never be gross

You believe the flight attendants aren’t going through & sanitizing everything before & after each flight What is the grossest place you can assume of? Go head & assume about it I will wait a minute. While you assume let me tell you what I assume the grossest place is. The airplane. I believe sounds […]