Signing us up for the HVAC maintenance plan takes the job off for me.
I’m trying to do better when it comes to finishing tasks around the house. This doesn’t come naturally for me. That’s a shame, because I had the chance to learn about being handy when I was a kid. My dad could repair just about anything around the house. He never fooled with the HVAC, though; he left that to the professionals. But, he was always on top of the HVAC chores, as second nature for him. He didn’t have to even know HVAC systems completely. He worked on them while handling other projects around the house. That’s not how it is for me. I need to set a reminder on my phone in order to change the air filter. Even then, I’m not consistent with it. I’m trying to get better. I made a great move by contacting our HVAC company. Signing us up for the HVAC maintenance plan takes the job off for me. Now, I don’t have to remember to schedule an appointment in the fall and spring. I’ve also remembered to change the air filter six months in a row. That could be a record! I’m doing my best when it comes to maintaining my heating and cooling equipment.