I am not such a huge social butterfly. In fact I would rather stay at my residence any afternoon than go outside plus interact with people. It’s not that I dislike people or anything like that, I just like my own alone time. Anyways, that has changed a bit, ever since I found a cafe that isn’t far away. The cafe is really cool, plus also particular. The reason is because the cafe is attached to a Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine business. Basically when you are getting work taken care of on your Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine, or purchasing any Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C component at their store, you can just stop by their cafe while you are actually waiting, which is extremely nice. Although you can also visit just because you appreciate the cafe. The employees at the cafe are honestly nice, plus I find myself hanging out there more plus more to talk to people… Recently, I brought in my area heater, because it was giving me a difficult time. The area furnace was being looked at by the a/c workers in the back, plus while I waited for them to finish on the section furnace, I went over to the cafe to enjoy some food. Thankfully it didn’t take long for them to finish the section heater, however even if it did, I wouldn’t have been bothered. They were able to service it with complete ease, plus I went back to my residence happy… Having a cafe attached to their Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine company is such a smart idea, because it draws in more people plus gives all the people something to do at the same time.