So I really had no idea just how important indoor air quality is in our homes.
To me, I just think of my house as clean and free of stuff that is actively wearing down my immune response.
But the fact is that most of us have the sort of indoor air quality that is not helping our health. Yet, there are many solutions the HVAC company can offer when it comes to better indoor air quality. I learned that a great place to start is the ductwork cleaning. And I found this out through a visit with my doctor of all things. I had been having some ongoing respiratory issues for more than a month. My Covid tests came back negative but I still couldn’t shake my situation. So I finally decided that I’d visit the doctor to see about getting some meds or something. Well, the doctor had a good look at me and did all the stuff that doctors do. But the prescription pad didn’t come out. Instead, the doctor suggested that I call the HVAC company. I wasn’t expecting to hear that so I had to have her repeat it. Once I got home though, I called and made an appointment for HVAC ductwork cleaning. And after it was done, I have to say that the air is just much cleaner in our home. Now that the ductwork cleaning is done, I decided to upgrade the air filter to a HEPA filter to further improve the indoor air quality. Take it from me, the indoor air quality is something that should be addressed in all of our homes.