My speaker controls my temperature control

Eventually, I looked on the same website where I purchased this speaker and discovered that there are certain temperature controls that I can fasten my speaker to that will allow me to control my temperature control through my speaker

I have a single of those cool smart speakers that you can buy online, however the smart speaker allows me to talk into it to do basic commands. Apparently, this speaker is installed with some kind of AI in order to understand what I want it to do, and I thought that it was pretty cool. I have been using this speaker for a long time, and I thought that I had figured out most of the basic features of the smart speaker. Thankfully, I was wrong. I just l acquired that I can control my temperature control with this smart speaker. I have already been wanting a smart temperature control for a long time, and I have been checking out weird chances for the temperature control. Eventually, I looked on the same website where I purchased this speaker and discovered that there are certain temperature controls that I can fasten my speaker to that will allow me to control my temperature control through my speaker. I simply have to fasten the temperature control to my cellphone and fasten my cellphone to the app for the speaker. While it mostly does not do anything weird from a familiar smart temperature control, the temperature control does have a few skills that I have never seen on another temperature control, however for instance, when you want to adjust the temperature control in your own house and your cellphone is not near you, you can still adjust the temperature control. All you need to do is tell the speaker that you want his to adjust the temperature control, and he will! I thought that having a familiar smart temperature control was lazy, even though I am pretty sure that this is the laziest that you can get with a temperature control.

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