I had been trying to hold onto my AC system for as long as possible.
The AC system was at least 13 years old, which was technically within the estimated lifespan and it was still running.
It was cooling my home and that’s all I really needed it to do. I had it serviced every year by a trusted HVAC company and despite them telling me that I needed to consider a new AC system, I chose to ignore them. I was determined to use my AC system until it’s final breath. However, something made me consider buying a new AC system before it died and that was my utility bills. Every month, I watched my utility bills raise higher and higher, to the point that I was uncomfortable paying them. The monthly report broke down each category of use and the highest consumption was my HVAC system. I tried raising the temperature of my thermostat so my AC system wouldn’t have to work as hard and I tried sealing all the doors and windows, but nothing made my utility bill go down. It didn’t make financial sense to pay such a high utility bill, when I could pay for a new AC system, so that’s what I had to do. I bought a new AC system and I was amazed by how efficiently it ran. As soon as I replaced it, my monthly energy bill dropped immediately and I knew that I had made the right decision. If anything, I was regretting not replacing my AC system sooner.