My husband was trying to fix our air conditioning

My husband thinks that he knows how to fix everything, but the truth of the matter is that he is not very handy at all.

I don’t know why he thinks that he is so good at fixing things, but the truth of it is that he is just fooling himself.

He’s not fooling me though. Every time he acts like he’s gonna get out his tools and try to fix something, I know that that means that I’m gonna have to be calling a professional sooner rather than later. This most recently happened with our air conditioning system when it tore up a few weeks ago. The weather has been heating up around here for the past few weeks and so it was really important for us to get the air conditioning unit fixed. I didn’t want to wait around to get it done because it was already hot outside. I was literally picking up the phone to call the HVAC company and make an appointment when my husband spotted me and said that he was going to do it himself. I just rolled my eyes whenever he said that. He got out his tool belt and started down the stairs to the room where the HVAC system is. I knew at that point that he was just going to end up making everything worse than it already was. Even though he told me that he was going to fix himself, I called up the HVAC company and made an appointment anyway. I just wanted to be on the list for when we would inevitably have to call them!
energy saving help