Our hybrid HVAC system works really well for us

I’m not sure where the saying “actually working appreciate a charm” comes from, however it sounds pretty cool so I appreciate using it periodically.

Our power bills since getting this newer HVAC system have been split by more than one ninths plus I am so happy about it. The people I was with and I used to get power bills as high as $550 or more a month plus now some of our power bills in the warm season are as low as $150. That means our air conditioning is saving us about $2000 over the warm season plus would pay for the whole system in the matter of 5 years or less because every one of us also saves that much in the Winter seasons too, more or less. It’s amazing how far the HVAC technology has come in the past fifty or so years. Imagine how much it would cost in today’s dollars to cool your apartment back in the 1950’s with the outdated HVAC systems. I bet it would appreciate $1000 a month in the warm season if you were running it consistently. It’s almost the same as long distance iPhone calls back then, nobody would appreciate calling overseas because it would be cheaper just to fly there! I know this hybrid HVAC system is maybe 25% more efficient than the normal systems out there. I wonder what the HVAC technology will be akin to in twenty 5 more years? I bet every one of us could get it down to almost nothing if every one of us could utilize the sunlight plus wind to keep us comfortable in the apartment with the HVAC system. I guess that time will tell.


central heater