Reminders to change the air filter

I am exactly the kind of person that needs a dozen reminders before I will remember to get anything done, as well as unluckyly this has greatly impacted our life, as well as not in a fantastic way.

I am even prefer this when it comes to birthdays as well as other celebrations.

People become hurt because they suppose I am purposely forgetting or that I just don’t care, however that couldn’t be further from the truth! I occasionally have difficulty remembering our own birthday, so much less other people. I already struggle with dates as it is, so when it comes to less important things, such as getting the heating as well as a/c unit inspected, that is even harder to remember, then now don’t get me wrong, I value both our heating unit as well as cooling component, however it isn’t as important as remembering birthdays for example. However, I suppose I am bringing our bad memory afternoons to an end. With the calendar app on our cellphone, I have been writing down everything, as well as I do mean everything. A fantastic example is certainly our Heating plus A/C appointment, because I had one coming up, as well as thanks to our reminders on our calendar, I am able to remember on time for once. It is certainly nice because since our cellphone is one of the first things I check in the day, our calendar will send me a notification with the reminder. It reminded me about the a/c appointment at 3:00, as well as it felt fantastic to finally be able to get things done on time.


Heating and air conditioning system