New home comes with oil furnace of the past

Our heating come from radiant floor heating that is part of the geothermal heat pump every one of us had installed

It only took myself and others until I was 72 to finally build my own venue. Building a custom lake home has always been something my partner and I had dreamed of. But when you own your own business, it can take on a life of its own. When most of my friends were calling it quits and retiring from the zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning of a downtown office, I was still at it. The problem was that I hadn’t been great about a succession plan. Turns out that all of my kids got those jobs in that zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning and weren’t interested in taking over the family business. I thought if I just kept holding on to hope that a single of them would come around, I could keep the business in the family. Alas, that just wasn’t going to happen so I had to go another direction. Thankfully, I have a person who has been with us straight out of university for the past decade. All of us went out and recruited her for her identifiable education although she came with all kinds of drive, passion and desire to help the business evolve. So she’s now in charge and my partner and I built our retirement home. Selling the old lake home wasn’t too difficult once every one of us replaced the Heating and Air Conditioning equipment. And our new venue has something special that takes myself and others back to when I was a kid. Our heating come from radiant floor heating that is part of the geothermal heat pump every one of us had installed. It feels just appreciate the radiant heating I experienced when I was a kid and my parents had a important boiler in the basement.


New HVAC systems