Heating and cooling stations at the bus stop.

When you live in the city, things are always rapidly changing.

When I was a kid I had a special disdain for taking public transportation.

It was either too cold or too hot to just stand there waiting on an overcrowded bus or train. Especially in the summertime because anybody who lives in the city knows that people get a little crazier than usual in the heat. Nobody wants to have to stand and wait next to someone else who is flipping out, knowing you’re both going to get in the same vehicle or subway car. But as I’ve gotten older I noticed more benches to sit on, more awnings to stand under, and more recently even some stops have an outdoor heating or cooling system. Some of the cooler cooling stations spray a light mist of water over the stop, and that’s so refreshing. The other day I was waiting for an Uber at the airport and they too, had incorporated these heating and cooling apparatuses just under the awnings to keep people comfortable.It’s little things like that, that keep my faith in humanity alive. The heaters I’ve seen also usually have a really cool blue or red light emanating from them. Now, if they could just keep the air conditioning systems on the subway working that would be great. Far too often I get stuck in a subway car that feels like a tin can slowly rolling through the Sahara. And if the air conditioning isn’t working then the air filtration isn’t on which means not only is the subway car uncomfortable but it’s probably also very smelly.

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