Yesterday I was returning from the grocery store after doing some shopping for my groceries. As I was putting my groceries into the back of my car I noticed that some lady had left her brand new air purification system in the box in her cart. She was the lady that had originally been parked next to me but had now put all her other groceries away and left. The problem was that she left her air purification at the store by mistake. I decided to do a good deed and track her down to return her air purifier that she left. She had been talking to what I assume was a kid of hers and I had gotten her name briefly, and also she was parked next to me and I saw her a license plate number so I decided to do a search online to see if I can find her. I found her and found her home address and then I drove for the air purification system over to her house. I left it on her front porch with a little note explaining the situation. I summarized another saying that I was the guy parked next to her at the grocery store and I noticed that she had left her air purification system. I have an air purification system myself and so I know how important they are to having good indoor air quality and just for your heating and cooling system in general. I explained that I tracked her down to return it to her, and I hoped that that wasn’t creepy but I just wanted to do the right thing. I left my number if she wanted to call me or had any questions. I have a phone call day later and she thanked me for returning the air purification system to her and that she loves using it.