As numerous people know, I found a city bus plus transformed it into a home.
I initially had only a solar window air conditioner as our sole HVAC unit.
The window air conditioner worked kind of well in the summers to keep myself and others cool but I suddenly decided I wanted to build a new centralized air conditioner that would fit on our bus to keep the entire bus at a steady temperature. I used this central air conditioner to design a kind of sound controlled HVAC thermostat plus I was really gratified with the results. Well I felt fantastic in the summer season, the Wintertime was much more difficult. When Autumn came plus I got really chilly in our bus I realized I needed to build or purchase some kind of natural gas furnace. I did some research plus got some tips for a few HVAC experts before deciding to build the gas furnace myself. My largest dilemma was that it would take several weeks to build this natural gas furnace plus I couldn’t Indore the code for that long. I drove to our nearby AC plus heating supplier plus purchased more than one portable sectional natural gas furnaces to put at the end in front of our bus to keep it warm. I ordered the heating plus the cooling units online plus it came in the mail really suddenly. The natural gas furnace came together nicely plus by the time I was done I had built a big electric natural gas furnace that ran on solar energy. I lived happily for numerous years in our city bus plus kept it cool with our central air conditioner plus warm with our solar electric and natural gas furnace.