Gas has gotten so expensive over the past year. I wish I knew what caused gas prices to change so much because I’m sure it’s more difficult than just supply and demand. I’m sure almost every natural resource’s cost is dictated by much more than what most people can fathom. When I first started driving in the early years, gas was about 1 dollar fifty cents. I never thought to myself that I couldn’t go anywhere because the price of gas was too high. Nowadays it is almost 5 bucks, and this affects almost everything. From weekly electric bills to how far I’m willing to travel in our automobile to overall quality of life in general. I remember seeing people get into fights at the gas station that 1 year where there were shortages. Automobiles use much more gas when the cooling system is running, which is why I choose to drive at the speed limit during the summer. It gets so hot at times I wonder if our cooling system is even toiling respectfully. Almost every time I’m in our car for an extended period of time I get anxious about the cooling system splitting down more than the engine. And our automobile is relatively new. I make sure I keep the a/c filter clean by replacing it every time I get an oil change. I’ve already located an air conditioning repair not too far from where I live and method on stopping by if I ever need maintenance, hopefully I can heed the warnings before I easily need some style of cooling system repairs.