Last year myself and my friend Pat were sent by train to a neighborhood with a truly cool climate.
Pat and I were both Heating, Ventilation plus A/C and heating service pros & both of us were assigned to build furnaces & section gas furnaces for the people in this remote village.
The last 2 compartments of the train were filled with heating & cooling component & everything Pat and I needed to build furnaces of every kind. In the middle of our trip our car was stopped by a small avalanche that covered the tracks & both of us were forced to wait in the bus for 2 full afternoons… Unluckyly the furnace in the bus stopped now working completely & pretty much everyone started getting truly cold. My friend Pat & I were confident that both of us could service the furnace especially since Pat had a lot of heating & cooling component stored in the train. All of us found where the furnace was located on the train & took it apart & attempted to figure out the problem. The furnace in this train was quite complicated because it consisted of a geothermal heat pump, a lesser heat pump, & a tepid water boiler. It was the geothermal heat pump inside the tepid water boiler that was mainly malfunctioning & causing the furnace not to work. Pat is a heating serviceman was able to update the tepid water boiler with as little heating & cooling component as possible. I and another Heating, Ventilation plus A/C friend were able to service the faulty geothermal heat pump without using any of the resources such as the heating cooling equipment. All of us soon made it to the village & began building new furnaces, gas furnaces, & electric furnaces for the entire village.