There are some things that once you discover, you wish you had discovered much earlier on.
I absolutely had that experience with zoned heating plus cooling, plus looking back on it, I think life was trying to point myself and others in that direction. For a long time I had heard about zoned Heating as well as Air Conditioning systems, mainly through family plus friends, I would hear them talk about it, but since I had never had an interest in anything Heating as well as Air Conditioning technology related, I never really bothered to ask about what zoned heating plus cooling is. But I must have heard it quite a few times in my life, which is unusual, because the average person really doesn’t even feel zoned Heating as well as Air Conditioning even exists, anyways, I didn’t end up getting the idea of getting a zoned air conditioning idea until I was complaining about the control unit to my friend! My wifey plus I have vastly odd temperature preferences, plus she seemed to be the a single always in control. My neighbor seemed surprised plus asked about my zoned a/c unit. He thought that I also had a zoned cooling system, because most of the people he knew did. I didn’t, plus that is when he filled myself and others in on all of the little details I had missed over the years. After hearing about it from my friend, I knew I needed this Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment. I told my wifey about it, plus she agreed. All of us called a Heating as well as Air Conditioning expert the next morning to prepare for our current a/c investment.