I want to update my oil furnace, but my wife thinks it is too soon! I am tired of our oil furnace, and am ready to go out and get a new oil furnace.
When the oil furnace was working properly, it would heat our entire home without any problem.
However, our furnace has started to age, and that is making the oil furnace run poorly. When the oil furnace works as it is supposed to, it is easy to work with. However, as it’s aged, I have noticed I am paying for heating and cooling system repairs a lot more often. I have to hire a heating and cooling contractor often, and paying to repair our oil furnace is starting to frustrate me. Our HVAC contractor says we still have a few more years before we need to replace the oil furnace. They are convinced I will save money in the long run if I continue using the oil furnace. I am skeptical, because the contractor stands to make more money by repairing my oil furnace often until I have no choice but to replace it with a new one. I have enough money to update the oil furnace, and if I updated the oil furnace right now, I would not have to worry about constantly repairing the oil furnace. I have talked with my wife about this, and she agrees with the heating and cooling expert. She doesn’t think we should replace the oil furnace until we have to. It frustrates me.