I need to get done with work in the next three hours so I can go train my yoga student and then workout with my exercise buddy for a bit.
I may have to do a short run as I haven’t been playing volleyball in a long time and I need some kind of cardio.
I just went to some local businesses and made a mindless mistake. I was in the bank and the heating supplier’s shop and went to the fruit stand. As I was getting a bag for my fruit I licked my fingers to open it. I then realized what I did and thought of all of the HVAC equipment and other things I previously touched in the other stores. After handling money, I always wash my hands but this time I wasn’t thinking when I licked my fingers. I guess I will see how strong my immune system is with this dumb action I took. My HVAC rep told me that I would know in about 48 hours if I am going to catch anything from licking my fingers like a clown. Anyway, I have about two more hours of writing to do and then I am going to do some yoga on the beach with a friend. After that I will get my HVAC service call done, as the client won’t be home till they get back from work in the evening. I have a busy HVAC day today but it is much better than having nothing at all to do. I hope you have a good day!