My friend Anna had a housewarming party at her house

I guess I should have warned Anna about it when she told me about the housewarming party but I didn’t really think about it all that much for some reason

Last week my friend Anna had a housewarming party at her house and it was a little too warm, if you know what I mean! Anna seems to think that if the temperature outside is cold, then that means that she needs to raise the temperature on her thermostat up a thousand degrees. It was so hot in her house the night of the housewarming party that I thought that I was going to pass out at one point. The place was packed full of people and I think that Anna just didn’t understand the fact that when you have a house full of people, you don’t really need to run the furnace all that much. The body heat that comes from the guests is usually enough to keep the place warmed up! I guess Anna didn’t know that because it was literally the first party that she had ever had in her own place. I host parties at my house all the time, and I usually turn the heating system completely off whenever I am going to be having people over. Of course, it took me a while to figure that out. I guess I should have warned Anna about it when she told me about the housewarming party but I didn’t really think about it all that much for some reason. By the time the party was over that night at her place, I was sweating and ready to go outside in the cold! I didn’t turn the heater on in my car the entire way home that night even though the temperature was really cold outside.



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